We believe in the idea that art is not a medium but rather an impulse, moving through sound, image, movement, and space. Traditional structures classified art, confined it, and labeled it to make it legible. We believe that today, technology dismantles these barriers as artists stretch across disciplines. A musician is a visual artist, a designer composes sound, and a performance becomes an installation. New mediums allow both new artistic expressions and new ways of experiencing them. The more signals converge, the more unpredictable the outcome. Every new interaction triggers a response, accelerating the system. We believe creation is a non-linear process; it thrives on intersections. Not a closed circuit, but an expanding network, where there is no center or hierarchy, and meaning emerges from a field of interactions. Each MERGE convergence is singular. The moment dictates the form. A track will never play the same way twice, each visual will not respond identically, and the audience itself reshapes the very structure of the experience. At its core, MERGE is about bringing together artists from diverse scenes and backgrounds, creating a space where different realities intersect. By merging perspectives, and disciplines, we foster new interactions, leading to cultural enrichment and the evolution of art itself.